Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mobile Broadband SIM Only

There are very few mobile broadband SIM only contracts available on the market today as the concept is still rather new. The only current network to offer a SIM only mobile broadband product is 3.

SIM only broadband contracts offer a set amount of permitted usage per month and can be purchased on a 30 day contract. This makes the option of mobile broadband very attractive because the usage allowances are a lot more generous on SIM only when compared with pay as you go (PAYG) mobile broadband and you are not tied into a lengthy contract of 12 or 24 months as you would be on a standard mobile broadband contract.

If you are new to mobile broadband or you are a student away from home with your own laptop, the SIM only mobile broadband deal could be the right one for you.


Network Operator Package Name Contract Duration Included Minutes Included Texts Added Extras Monthly Cost More Info
3 Mobile 5GB (SIM ONLY) 30 days 0 0 Works with existing 3 dongle £15.99 see deal
3 Mobile 5GB 30 days 0 0 Includes dongle at a one-off additional cost of £4.99 £15.99 see deal
3 Mobile 10GB 30 days 0 0 Works with an existing 3 dongle. £15.00 see deal

How To Calculate your likely data usage

If you have never used mobile broadband before you may not be aware of just how much data is transferred when performing certain tasks on the Internet such as sending an email, downloading music, streaming TV, etc. It is important to be aware of how much data you would need because this will inform the basics of what mobile broadband tariff you opt for.

We have provided a table that lists a range of the most common online activities along with the applicable data that you will transfer whilst doing them. Have a look at our list by clicking here. Hope it helps!