Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Virgin Mobile Customer Services Review

We have reviewed Virgin Mobile online customer services by sending through a variety of support questions with regard to SIM only contracts and collating and analysing the responses from Virgin.

Online Customer Services Rating For Virgin Mobile

Customer Support in Detail

How easy is it to submit a support request email?

Although it took 5 clicks to get to the submit button, the path to follow was quick and intuitive. Virgin only have a short form to complete that contains just your name, email and the actual support query so sending a support query was quick and easy. Compare this to the 19 pieces of data requested by T-Mobile!

How long did it take to get responses?

The average time it took for Virgin to respond to our support queries was 1.5 days. All of our support requests were responded to.

Were our questions answered?

We were impressed with the replies to our questions. All questions were answered quickly, accurately and honestly (there was no skirting around a difficult question). Virgin had a question bank in place that was triggered based on keywords within our support request. We could peruse this prior to sending the support request to see if our questions could already be answered.

Were the replies coherent?

The replies were written using a good level of English and there was less of an impression that the replies were templated as many of the answers given were very specific and individual to our queries.

Overall experience?

We found Virgin Mobile to have amongst the best level of online support of all the major phone networks both in terms of the site architecture geared towards sending a support request and the high level of support responses from their online support team. Responses were quick, comprehensive and accurate.

Do you have a Virgin Mobile customer services review you would like to share?

If you would like to submit a Virgin Mobile online customer services review please click on the link below and we will publish your review on our site (subject to decency and a lack of defamatory content, etc).

Click here to submit your Virgin Mobile customer services review